7 DEADLY SINS! Good Enough IS Good Enough

For seven weeks, we covered a different Deadly Sin each week as a way to explore extremes of emotion and action.

That’s a lot of time for us to focus on one subject. So what did we learn from the time? (And, please comment on this post, because we’re even more interested to hear what YOU learned or if your thinking changed about anything based on this series!)

And after you listen to this episode, and hear about how Amy chose not to be perfect, you can make the same choice! You can send a kid to school for a year instead of trying to perfect something about yourself that’s already truly good enough! Here’s a link to the International Rescue Committee! You can send them $58 and instantly become more perfect on the inside! Amy just did it, in honor of her messed-up teeth.


But, hey, this offer isn’t meant as a guilt trippy thing! Oprah says you have to take care of yourself before you take care of others, and part of taking care of yourself is caring about the way you look. OPRAH SAID!!

After you listen, look at your life and ask yourself what you’re spending too much time or energy on perfecting when you could just accept the hell out of it and move on. And tell us in the comments below!!